Thank you for thy query. In short, The Shenanigames is an annual tournament where teams of two (in costumes of their choosing) compete in a series of ridiculous, rowdy, and, most of all, reputation-ruining games. Only one team shall arise victorious and claim the golden trumpet - so prep your partner and polish thy pitchfork. Though our language and design may suggest otherwise, the games and costumes are not bound to medieval themes but are instead limited only by our and your imagination—anything is possible.
Oh please, thou art most gracious... Picture this: you’re in an inflatable boat with your hands bound, desperately defending your vessel from an onslaught of balls launched by the enemy team - armed only with a spatula strapped to your head and a dream. Or perhaps you find yourself frolicking around in a frightfully large chicken suit, frantically fetching eggs to please your pitchfork wielding partner. All hypothetical examples of course... *sly wink*
Simply inscribe thy name upon the wait list. When the time is right we shall contact you via carrier pigeon (or email), asking you to register your desired dream duo. You can also easily enter alone, and we will match thee with a worthy companion. This years games will host 60 noble contestants, and tis first-come-first-serve so make sure to keep those beady little eyes of yours on your inbox so you don’t miss out.
The next grand event(s) will unfold in Berlin next summer. More info will arrive in good time, so sign up to our waiting for updates. And while magnificent, a horse will not be necessary, so prop thy squire in a bath and let them relax for now. Lastly, if thou hast any questions, or simply a kind word, please message us at and we shall respond forthwith. Godspeed and good fortune future champion.
Fear not my good fellow, tis but a measly mailing list. Inscribe thy name anyhow, follow our Instagram, and we shall keep you royally informed about our future tournaments. ‘Tis but our mission to make the games bigger and better each year, to bring more idiocy to this world as a whole, and conquer all who stand before us. As Great Aunt Audrey used to say: Long live The Shenanigames!